Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 31

Tuesday, May 11, 2010. Today is a “relax” day. We cannot pick up the court decree until tomorrow. We also found out that the Registry office is closed tomorrow, so we can’t get started on the birth certificates and passports until 8am Thursday morning.

We went to the orphanage at 2pm as usual. The girls were waiting for us, and wanted to know if it was okay if their brothers came to meet us. Of course! This was a very exciting time. We found out the entire story about their family. Before, we thought that the girls were 2 of 5 children. Today, we found out that they are actually 2 of 7! They have 4 older brothers and their older sister. Their oldest brother has lived in Russia for the past 9 years and has not seen the girls during that time, but saw the other brothers about a year ago. We met the other three brothers: Roma is 19, and the twins Denis and Dima who are 25. One twin is married to a nice girl named Kristina and has a 14 month old daughter named “Gianna”.

Something that I find interesting is that our girls are going from a sibling group of 7 here in Ukraine to a sibling group of 7 in America… and both groups with a set of twins! Coincidence? We exchanged contact information with them so that the girls can keep in touch, which I think everyone really liked. They were all so loving and caring, and you can see that in the photos that we took. They were respectful, and said that they were happy that Anastasia and Kristina were being adopted and going to America.

From the left... Roma (age 19), Dima (ID twin, age 25), Anastasia, Kristina (sister in law), Gianna 9age 14 months), Denis (twin, age 25), and Kristina:

1 comment:

  1. I think it is AWESOME you are taking them from a family of 7 with twins to bring them to another family of 7 with twins! :) Definitely fate that you have these girls! :)



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